Add CarPlay to your car with Sony’s new 8.9-inch touchscreen receiver

What you need to know

  • Sony unveiled its new Apple CarPlay and Android Auto receiver called the XAV-AX8000.
  • The new receiver comes with an expansive 8.9-inch touch display.
  • It will launch in December and retail for $599.99.

The receiver will cost $599.99 when it launches in December.

Sony announced its latest car system receiver that will add Apple CarPlay and Android Auto functionality to any older car that doesn't support the two formats. The new XAV-AX8000 system comes with an expansive 8.9-inch touch display that should add some style to any car, especially those without color displays.

CarPlay (and Android Auto) receivers have become a popular modification for drivers of older cars. Outdated infotianment systems don't generally support the newer formats since they require bigger displays and update-to-date software support from car makers.

This latest receiver by Sony is one the most intriguing options consumers will have as it looks sleek and has a big touch display.

When installed, the display will hover over the dashboard creating a futuristic look. One benefit of the new design is that the XAV-AV8000 can fit into smaller single-DIN spaces. The main system will be accessible via touch controls while a row of buttons will live on the bottom part including home, volume controls, options, rewind, fast-forward and voice.

This particular model is a wired one, so you'll have to plug in your iPhone to connect to CarPlay. Once hooked up, you'll be able to take advantage of all the benefits CarPlay offers such as Siri, Messages, Maps, Podcasts and other third party apps like Spotify, Google Maps and Waze.

The Sony XAV-AX8000 receiver is going to launch in December and will retail for $599.99.

7 things to consider before buying a CarPlay receiver

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