How to cancel your Apple Music subscription

Whether you're trying out Apple Music and don't want to be charged after the free trial or you're fed up entirely and want to quit, here's how to cancel your Apple Music subscription.

Updated April 18 2017: Added the new process for cancelling Apple Music subscriptions.

Everyone gets three free months of Apple Music, after which point they'll be charged for a subscription. If you'd rather Apple prompt you for a paid subscription after those three months (instead of automatically charging you), or you'd like to cancel an ongoing subscription, here's how to do it.

How to cancel your Apple Music subscription on iPhone or iPad

Note: If you're trying out Apple Music for the first time, you can immediately unsubscribe to prevent being automatically billed after your three month free trial is up by following the steps below. Just remember that you'll have to return to this screen to re-activate your subscription after those three months are up.

  1. Open the iTunes app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap the Apple ID button.
  3. Select View Apple ID.
  4. Enter your Apple ID password or authorize with Touch ID.
  5. Tap the Subscriptions button.
  6. Tap Apple Music.
  7. Press Cancel Subscription.
  8. Tap Confirm.

How to cancel your Apple Music subscription on your Mac

  1. Open iTunes on your Mac.
  2. Go to the Store section of your Music library.
  3. Click on the Accounts link in the right column.

  4. Sign in, if necessary.

  5. Scroll down to the Settings header and click Manage next to Subscriptions.

  6. Find your Apple Music subscription and press Edit.
  7. Press Cancel Subscription.


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