Luigi’s Mansion 3: Upcoming DLC will give more multiplayer options

Take on spooky specters as you explore a haunted hotel.

It seriously feels like it's taken forever for a new Luigi's Mansion to finally grace us with its presence. After all, it was back in 2013 that the last Luigi's Mansion game released. Now that we've played through Luigi's Mansion 3, we can definitely say that the wait was well worth it. There are plenty of new features and game modes to keep you entertained. Here's everything you want to know about Luigi's Mansion 3.

I see dead people

Luigi's Mansion 3

$60 at Amazon $60 at Walmart

Defeat ghosts as you search for your friends

The newest game in the Luigi's Mansion series has you playing once again as the scared plumber. But this time, you'll be exploring a haunted hotel, using new fighting elements, and have the help of a gooey doppelganger. You can even play the main story with two-player co-op. This game also includes multiplayer modes where up to 8 players can play together either locally or online.

What is the release date for Luigi's Mansion 3?

The game released on Halloween, October 31, 2019. I definitely stayed up late on Halloween night hunting ghosts and eating my favorite candies.

What's the plot in Luigi's Mansion 3?

Luigi receives a letter inviting him to stay at a luxurious hotel called the Last Resort. He brings along Mario, Peach, some Toads, and of course, his trusted ghost canine, Polterpup, who all stay the night. Things turn sinister when Luigi wakes to screams and finds that not only have his friends disappeared but that ghosts inhabit the hotel under the direction of his long-time nemesis King Boo.

Using Professor E. Gadd's latest Poltergust G-00, Luigi must capture the unearthly inhabitants, battle foes, and search for his missing friends. He'll have to make his way from the bottom of the hotel to the top floors to save everyone and confront the specters in charge.

Who is Gooigi?

In addition to playing as Luigi, players often switch over to Gooigi, a gooey version of Luigi created by Professor E. Gadd. Luigi's doppelganger can walk on spikes, walkthrough bars, and do a few other tricks that Luigi can't, but he does have his own weaknesses.

He dissolves when he makes contact with water, melts when exposed to fire, and loses consistency when struck by powerful attacks. You'll need to switch between using Gooigi and Luigi to make it through the hotel and reach every item. Additionally, while Gooigi can open drawers and chests, he isn't strong enough to turn doorknobs or open doors.

Is there two player co-op?

The cool thing about this latest game is the addition of two-person co-op similar to what you find in Super Mario Odyssey. You can hand a second controller to a friend; they'll be able to control Gooigi while you take charge of Luigi. Something we love is that the camera follows both characters instead of favoring the lead. This makes it easier to play as the second player than it is in some other games. Since a unique skill set is tied to either character, you'll have to work together to solve puzzles and get through each room.

What is the hotel like?

The Luigi's Mansion franchise is known for putting a fun spin on paranormal horror. This game continues the tradition of lighthearted spooks as players explore a different haunted theme on each floor of the Last Resort hotel. Themes include a pirate restaurant, a disco dance hall, a Scottish castle level, and an Egyptian tomb.

There are 17 floors in all counting the basement and the sub-basement. Coming upon a new level is an exciting event as the surroundings, challenges, and bosses have a different feel from those you've previously encountered. For instance, you'll take on a spectral shark in the pirate level, a ghostly knight in the castle level, and undead mummies in the tomb level.

To progress in the game, players must defeat each floor's boss and obtain an elevator button to go up a floor. Yes, this does mean that gameplay is linear, but it feels so right with the Luigi's Mansion series.

Are there any new abilities?

There sure are. Professor E. Gadd has been hard at work, creating a new Poltergust vacuum, and along with it comes some new abilities.

  • Slam: Using the Poltergust G-00, Luigi can slam specters into the ground or other ghosts. This new ability is particularly helpful since slamming significantly reduces the amount of time it takes to capture spooks.
  • Suction Shot: Luigi has a plunger attachment that he can use to get a good grip on objects. After he shoots the plunger onto an object, he can then pull on the hose and throw the object somewhere in the room. Gooigi can also perform the Suction Shot. If there is a particularly large object, Luigi and Gooigi can work together to remove it by both performing a suction shot and then hurling the object.
  • Burst: Instead of sucking air in, this burst propels air away from Luigi. If Luigi aims his Poltergust at the floor and blasts air, he can propel himself upward. This allows him to jump over oncoming objects or to reach higher locations. He can also blow ghosts and garbage around.

Are there any multiplayer party modes?

Luigi's Mansion 3 is a super fun party game in addition to being an exciting single-player adventure. It includes both competitive and co-op multiplayer modes:

ScareScraper: Multiplayer co-op - In this haunted building, up to eight players can play locally, or up to eight players can play online to capture ghosts and save Toads within a time limit. There are plenty of different colored Luigi and Gooigi variants to give each player a distinct looking character when playing with this many people. As always, you'll need a Nintendo Switch Online membership if you want to play with others online.

ScreamPark: Multiplayer versus - In this mode, players are divided into a Luigi team and a Gooigi team and must duke it out to see who's best. There are several activities, including ghost hunting, collecting coins in the hotel pool, and using cannons to break the most targets within a time limit. Once again, you'll need a Nintendo Switch Online membership to play with other gamers online.

Will there be any DLC?

Yes, you can currently pre-order the DLC (scroll down until you get to the DLC bundle section below the main game summary). However, it will only be for multiplayer modes. Luigi's Mansion's producer, Kensuke Tanabe, doesn't feel like additional DLC for the main story makes any sense.

The story is done, so by adding more floors, how are we going to expand that aspect? Because I want to experience completing the whole hotel and just feel satisfied that it's done. Adding on new stuff is not really something that gives us that.

It should be noted that the multiplayer DLC will release in two parts, unlocking additional content for the ScareScraper and ScreamPark modes.

  • Part 1: Releases April 30, 2020 with three new mini-games in the ScreamPark, three new outfits for Luigi to wear, and a Polterpup Flashlight.
  • Part 2: Releases July 31, 2020, with three more mini-games for the ScreamPark along with three new ScareScraper outfits, matching floor themes, and themed ghosts.

Are there any new amiibo for Luigi's Mansion 3?

We definitely want a Luigi's Mansion 3 amiibo, but Nintendo isn't making one. Unfortunately, Nintendo has confirmed that the game doesn't support any amiibo, either. This is upsetting for some players considering that the 3DS versions responded to Boo, Luigi, Mario, and Toad amiibo.

If you want an impressive Luigi's Mansion 3 figure, we suggest you check out this First 4 Figures Luigi statue.

Nintendo's announcement trailer at E3

Here's the full E3 announcement if you'd like to watch it:

I see dead people

Luigi's Mansion 3

$60 at Amazon $60 at Walmart

Defeat ghosts as you search for your friends

The newest game in the Luigi's Mansion series has you playing once again as the scared plumber. But this time, you'll be exploring a haunted hotel, using new fighting elements, and have the help of a gooey doppelganger. You can even play the main story with two people co-op. This game also includes multiplayer modes where up to 8 players can play together either locally or online.

Updated February 26, 2020: Updated multiplayer DLC info.

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