Make yourself more marketable during self-isolation with these online courses

The internet is littered with advice on how to make use of your time in self-isolation. Some suggest picking up a new hobby, some suggest breaking a sweat and getting ripped, while there are some that recommend exhausting your entire Netflix queue. But if none of that sounds appealing to you, you can always beef up your skillset and make yourself more marketable by learning valuable skills.

Whizlabs Online Certifications offers world-class training courses, allowing you to master a variety of subjects which can help you land a fatter paycheck or maybe even a promotion when you return to work.

A pioneer in the e-learning industry, Whizlabs' collection of instructional material includes various disciplines like Cloud Computing, Java, Big Data, Project Management, and Digital Marketing, all of which are taught by subject-matter experts and certified professionals. Since its launch two decades ago, the platform has helped over 3 million professionals and more than 100 companies across the globe elevate their careers. Hotshot companies like Accenture, Bloomberg, Capgemini, Cisco, Deloitte, and Infosys have all used Whizlabs for employee development. You can be the next.

If you want to boost your career or accelerate your progress in your current field, enroll in Whizlabs. For a limited time, you can snag a lifetime membership for only $59 — 98 percent off the usual cost of $4,499.

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