You’ll be able to stream 4K HDR Netflix in Safari on macOS 11 Big Sur

What you need to know

  • People testing macOS 11 Big Sur report interesting Safar goings-on.
  • It seems the browser can now stream 4K content from Netflix.
  • And in HDR, no less.

It's time to re-watch Stranger Things.

Apple's macOS 11 Big Sur is currently available to developers as part of an early beta and we're learning all kinds of things about it. But one tidbit might just be the best news we've heard since YouTube on the Apple TV is going 4K – Safari will be able to stream 4K HDR content from Netflix.

Right now anyone using Safari on a Mac is stuck with boring old SDR and 1080p which, in 2020, is just no fun at all. But according to Twitter and 9to5Mac, that's all changing.

Not only do we get 4K HDR, but it also supports Dolby Vision!

Of course, you're going to need to wait for macOS 11 Big Sur to arrive later this year if you don't want to install any betas right now. And you shouldn't do that, to be clear. But if you did, in the name of science? You'd get all that 4K HDR hotness in Safari for the very first time.

How cool is that?

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