Former Tesla engineer joins Apple, fueling more car development rumors

The rumors that Apple is secretly developing its own self-driving car got another boost today. It was revealed that Jamie Carlson, a former senior engineer on Tesla's Autopilot self-driving car program, has now joined Apple in an unnamed position on its special projects team.

According to Reuters:

A LinkedIn profile for Jamie Carlson shows that he has left Tesla and moved to Apple. At least six others with experience developing self-driving technology and systems have joined Apple, according to their LinkedIn profiles.

Attempts to reach all seven people were unsuccessful and Apple declined to comment.

Sources have said that Apple is developing a car and studying self-driving technology, but it is unclear if the iPhone maker is designing a vehicle that could drive itself.

As we have speculated before, Apple could also be working with other car makers on new vehicles that will incorporate improvements in CarPlay technology.

Source: Reuters

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