Tweet @iMore why you want to #SwitchToiPhone for your chance to win an iPhone 6s!

Send a Tweet to @iMore with hashtag #SwitchToiPhone for your chance to win!

Apple has not only announced the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus but released an all-new Move to iOS app that makes switching to iPhone simpler and easier than ever. That means, if you're still on Android but looking for a way out, there's never been a better time to #SwitchToiPhone. And to help you make it happen, iMore is giving one away!

All you have to do to enter is start a tweet with:

  • Hey @iMore I want to #SwitchToiPhone

—And then finish it with your reason!

If you don't use Twitter, Instagram is fine as well! Make it funny, make it heart-warming, make it poetic, make it insightful, make it any way you want — just make it stand out!

Whether it's for timely updates and incredible apps, the focus on security and privacy, the advantages of Apple Store and AppleCare, the great Google experience or great Microsoft experience — we want to know why you want to make the switch.

The contest starts today and ends Sunday, October 4, at 11:59pm PT. Usual rules apply. Tweet us why you want to #SwitchToiPhone, we'll read all the messages, and choose the grand prize winner and give them a $600 U.S. Apple Store gift certificate.

Enough of our words, time for yours! Go #SwitchToiPhone

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