F.lux developers want to bring their color-shifting tool to iPhone and iPad

Following Apple's announcement this week of Night Shift mode, an upcoming feature in iOS 9.3 that changes the colors on your device's screen during the night, one group is calling on the company to open the technology to third parties. Flux, the developers behind the f.lux color-shifting tool for Macs, Windows PCs, and Linux, is praising Apple for stepping into this area, while also asking them to allow Flux to bring their own tool to iPhone and iPad.

From Flux:

Today we call on Apple to allow us to release f.lux on iOS, to open up access to the features announced this week, and to support our goal of furthering research in sleep and chronobiology.

Both f.lux and Night Shift work to reduce the harmful effects of using devices at night. Studies have demonstrated bright blue light, like that found on standard displays, can make it harder for people to fall asleep. By shifting colors to the warmer end of the spectrum at night, both tools can seek to help mitigate these issues. Night Shift and f.lux shift your PC or mobile device's screen based on the time of day and your location.

You can find out more about Night Shift and iOS 9.3's other features by checking out our handy FAQ.

iOS 9.3 FAQ: What you need to know!

Source: Flux

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