Sheltered will bring post-apocalyptic survival to Mac on March 15

Fans of unique post-apocalyptic games can now look forward to March 15, when Sheltered will bring survival to the fore on Mac. In Sheltered, players will be tasked with protecting their family as they collect supplies, battle the elements and navigate interactions with other people and wild animals. And the stakes are high, as death is very much a permanent affair in Sheltered.

Here's a bit more of what you can look forward to with Sheltered:

  • Family comes first: Keep your family alive and protect them from the ravages of the harsh post-apocalyptic world
  • Pets: Your pet is family too. Choose between the dog, cat, fish, snake or horse
  • Make the shelter a home: Maintain your shelter - keep it secure, habitable and make sure that the family have enough resources to survive. Protect your shelter from hazards and infiltration!
  • Crafting system: Create comforts for your family's shelter and weapons for combat
  • Customisation: Your family is unique to you; you decide their gender, names and their appearance
  • Exploration: Send out your family to explore and gather resources for everyday living and crafting
  • Recruitment system: Recruit outsiders with different personalities, integrate them into your shelter life and earn their loyalty
  • RPG mechanics: As your family develop, their stats will adapt with an evolving experience and trauma system. Attributes, strengths and weaknesses will dynamically change based on your choices
  • Dynamic encounter system: Your family will encounter various threats including roaming factions and feral beasts
  • Turn-based combat: For those that cannot be reasoned with, violence can be used as a last resort. Your family may depend on it
  • Vehicles: Make exploration quicker and safer
  • Bloodlines: Extend your family lineage

Sheltered will be available for purchase digitally on Mac starting on March 15 for $10.

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