How to view business information in Maps on iPhone and iPad

How to I find nearby businesses and view reviews in Maps? Get reviews, photos, and business hour information right in Maps!

Is there a new restaurant in town you've been waiting to try? Did your furnace break down and you need a repair company? Are you still desperately searching for that perfect cup of coffee? Look no further than the Maps app.

Updated December 2016: Change steps to reflect updates in iOS 10.

How to find food, gas, and shopping with nearby on iPhone and iPad

If you're traveling somewhere you've never been before, Maps can help you find restaurants, gas stations, movie theaters, and more that are close to your current location (or any location you search) making it perfect to plan where you're stops should be on your trip!

  1. Launch the Maps app from your Home screen.
  2. Tap the current location arrow.
  3. Tap on the search bar.

  4. Tap on the category filter you want to apply. This will show you a list of all the options nearby for that category.
  5. Tap on the subcategory filter you want to apply. This step is optional. This will show you pins on the map of the nearest places in that subcategory.

How to see business info, photos, and reviews in Maps on iPhone and iPad

Maps is integrated with Yelp, so any information that users have added to Yelp about a business is accessible. You can see reviews, photos, and useful information about the company just with a few taps.

  1. Launch the Maps app from your Home screen.
  2. Tap the search bar up at the top of the screen.
  3. Type in the name of the business you are trying to find. You can also tap on an option from the list as you type.

  4. Tap Search.
  5. Swipe up on the lower panel.

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