Digital Offers: Join the Ruby on Rails Coding Bootcamp today for just $29!

How many websites do you visit in a single day? Ever think about what it takes to design and maintain one? All those bells, whistles, buttons, links...what do they look like on the back end? Probably numbers and symbols and a whole other language that you don't speak. You're right, though: it is a whole other language. Even the most tech savvy people can be challenged to pick up one of the languages used to build web applications. You've been thinking about building a website, maybe for your small business, or maybe you'd like to become a member of the web-based team at the office. How do you learn the language of the web without breaking the bank or going back to school?

The best place to start is to learn to speak Ruby, the most user-friendly of all programming languages. The next step is to familiarize yourself with Rails, a framework of open-source software that makes websites look amazing and allows Ruby to program everything. Put them together and you've got Ruby on Rails, and we know how to deliver it to you!

Starting now, you can enroll in the Ruby on Rails Coding Bootcamp for only $29. That's 97% off the regular price of nearly $1,300! For a small fraction of the original cost, you're actually getting six full courses that focus on Ruby on Rails, and you'll have lifetime access to all of them! Your courses include:

  • Ruby on Rails for Beginners: learn the language and build an application in project-based lessons
  • Ruby on Rails for Web Development: follow along as RoR shows you how Pinterest was built
  • Comprehensive Ruby on Rails: all the intricacies of file uploaders, search engines, logins, and object oriented programming (OOP)
  • Building Projects: develop a blog management system and learn the commercial applications of RoR
  • Professional Developing: master the essentials using GitHub and build an authentication system
  • Behavior Driven Development (BDD): learn to use RSpec 3 and Capybara

It may sound a little confusing right now, but all of your course content will become second nature to you and you'll be using Ruby on Rails like a pro in no time. This is the opportunity to dive deeply into the world of web development, so get your place in the Ruby on Rails Coding Bootcamp now for 97% off with iMore Digital Offers!

See at iMore Digital Offers

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