Get the iMore sticker pack for iOS 10!

Your iMessage conversations are pretty cool and all, but they're missing something: the iMore Sticker Pack, and it's calling your name!

Not long after Apple announced the inclusion of Stickers in iOS 10, my colleague Rene Ritchie was asking us for headshots, reference photos, and selfies. He wanted to send an artist we'd commissioned all the necessary visuals to craft a sticker pack filled with reactions, sorta-kinda inside jokes, adorable laughing Georgia Dows, and even a facepalm (still waiting on that facepalm emoji)!

Animated iMore Goodness

First thing's first, here's where you'll find the iMore Sticker Pack:

I mean, what could be better than adorning your conversations with stickers of the iMore team? We'll answer that for you: Not a thing.

  • Throw your friends some side eye with Rene Ritchie's "SRSLY?"
  • Warn off your enemies with Georgia Dow's "Brace yourself."
  • Skate away from awkward conversations with Serenity Caldwell's roller derby.
  • Rock out with Lory Gil's guitar-wielding "rock!"
  • Celebrate your friend's success with Mikah Sargent's "Yasssss!"
  • Apologize profusely with Daniel Bader's "So sorry."

Plus loads more from members of the iMore team!

And here's the best part, folks: We aren't stopping just yet! We've got some more stickers and surprises in the works, so don't forget to check for updates! I think Georgia Dow puts it best:

Brace yourself, indeed, Georgia. Brace yourself, indeed.


Apart from the iMore Sticker Pack — which is obviously your new favorite — what are your other favorite, can't-live-without Sticker Packs? Give us a shout!

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