How to use Live video on Instagram [UPDATED!]

Let there be live! Here's everything you need to know about streaming Live video on Instagram.

Update: Instagram Live is now available worldwide. Let the streaming begin!

Instagram has added a live feature to their increasingly popular Instagram stories – and it appears that it is now live everywhere.

How super exciting is that?! RIP Facebook Live and Periscope. We hardly knew ye.

How can you tell someone's live?

Whenever someone you know or an IG influencer you follow goes live, their bubble icon at the top of your screen will appear with a big purple 'LIVE' logo. It's pretty hard to miss.

Can I re-watch live videos?

The biggest difference between the new IG live stories feature and apps like Periscope or platforms like Facebook is that Instagram's Live stories can't be saved or archived: that means if you miss it, you miss it.

When can I start streaming live?

It should already be available for you to use right now. Check your Instagram app to find out. If it's not yet available to you, give it a few hours to roll it out to your area.

What do you think of IG Live stories?

Do you think this will be what puts Instagram a step ahead of Snapchat, or do you think it's a cheap rip-off of Periscope? Will you be using the Live features, or do you think it's a waste of time and another annoying thing to worry about?

Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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