GDC 2015: Sorcery! 3 takes gamebook series back in time

The folks behind the award-winning 80 Days gamebook for iPhone and iPad are going back to their roots with Steve Jackson's Sorcery! series. We got a sneak peek at Sorcery! 3 at GDC 2015, where the fantasy story rolls on, complete with a 3D world map with a literary texture. Every decision is remembered and impacts future events, but there are quite a few new features.

For one, a new timeline feature allows players to zip back a couple of steps if they're not happy with where the story is going. Not only is this the ultimate in flexibility, it reflects how classic choose-your-own-adventure style books were read. Players now have open roaming on most points on the map, allowing a ton of exploration previously limited by your decision path. The big thing are 6 new lighthouses that allow players to peer into and interact with a more prosperous time in Kharé's past. For a closer look at the combat and spell systems, be sure to take a look at our hands-on from PAX East a few years ago.

You'll want to pick up the original game and Sorcery! 2 to get the full storyline, and have your progress continue on to the third chapter. Keep an eye out for it to hit the App Store sometime in mid-April.

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