Join the discussion: Buying an iPhone SE today!

Would you ever consider picking up an iPhone SE? Join us in the iMore forums and let us know your opinion!

When the iPhone SE was released, there was a mixed reaction between those who were craving a smaller iPhone that threw back to the good ol' glory days of the iPhone 5, and those that were in love with their iPhone 6s and iPhone 7 Plus and saw anything tinier as a step backwards.

A few years have passed since the iPhone SE's launch and with new hardware just around the corner and all the exciting new announcements that came out of WWDC 2017, it begs the question: would you ever pick up an iPhone SE?

06-09-2017 09:26 AM

So I originally settled on a like new 5s but started posting here and decided I needed to get the SE instead. Less than an hour I'm headed to Cricket and buying a SE and I'm super excited. This will be my second go round with the SE but this time it's staying with me. I've been craving a smaller one handed phone and the SE is perfect. Cricket whom I'm with has a special price on the SE brand new...


Some people say the iPhone SE is a great phone...

06-09-2017 10:08 AM

Great Choice the SE is compact and powerful and now with 128GB option it's the perfect iPhone


While others claim it's not as fantastic as some of the larger models. If you had to decide for yourself]( (which you do!), would you go out today and pick up an iPhone SE if money were no object?

We're chatting in the iMore forums about everything iPhone, Apple, and more, and would love for you to be a part of the conversation!

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