Tim Cook talks Steve Jobs, AR, and Trump in new interview

If Tim Cook wants one thing to outlast him at Apple, it's the legacy of late co-founder Steve Jobs. In a recent interview, Cook spoke about how tied the company still was to Jobs' ideals, even five and a half years after his death. sweating the small details, building for quality, and understanding the importance of user experience, Cook says, are baked into Apple's foundation.

From Bloomberg:

In essence, these principles that Steve learned over many years are the basis for Apple. It doesn't mean the company hasn't changed. The company's going to change. It's going to go into different product areas. It's going to learn and adjust. Many things have changed in the company, even in the last six to seven years. But our "Constitution" shouldn't change. It should remain the same. I think of it as a North Star. It's always important to have that in mind as you make decisions. It ­actually makes decision-making much simpler.

Cook was also asked about some of Apple's recent announcements, including the upcoming HomePod speaker and the company's forays into augmented reality (AR). On where AR is going, Cook had this to say:

You'll see things happening in enterprises where AR is ­fundamental to what they're doing. You're going to see some consumer things that are unbelievably cool. Can we do everything we want to do now? No. The technology's not complete yet. But that's the beauty to a certain degree. This has a runway. And it's an incredible runway. It's time to put the seat belt on and go. When people begin to see what's possible, it's going to get them very excited—like we are, like we've been.

Cook also talked about Apple's efforts in enterprise technology, the company's advanced manufacturing fund, and his experience working with President Donald Trump:

We're dramatically different. I hope there's some areas where we're not. His focus on jobs is good. So we'll see. Pulling out of the Paris climate accord was very disappointing. I felt a responsibility to do every single thing I could for it not to happen. I think it's the wrong decision. If I see another opening on the Paris thing, I'm going to bring it up again.

Bloomberg's full interview with Tim Cook will be available in the June 19 edition of Bloomberg Businessweek magazine.

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