iOS 12 rumor roundup: What’s coming next!

iOS 12 is still some time away, not expected to debut until WWDC 2018. But until then, here's everything you need to know!

iOS 11 has only recently been revealed, and iOS 12 is more than 12 months away at this point. But that doesn't mean that we can't keep one eye on the future of Apple's mobile operating system.

When will we see iOS 12?

Assuming that Apple keeps to its previous patterns, it will show off iOS 12 for the first time during the keynote for the 2018 World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC). Tim Cook will introduce iOS 12, while Craig Federighi, Senior Vice President of Software Engineering, will go through its different tentpole features.

It's likely that the first developer beta of iOS 12 will be made available the same day as the presentation. As with the last few iterations of iOS, a public beta should follow later in the summer. The public launch of iOS 12 will likely take place at some point in fall 2018.

What do you want to see in iOS 12?

With iOS 12 over a year away at this point, there's not a lot that we've heard about it. iOS 11 is still in beta, for crying out loud! But that doesn't mean that we can't think about what Apple's got coming down the pipe. Do you think we'll finally get that system-wide dark mode? What about new iPad features? Let us know what you would like to see in iOS 12 in the comments.

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