Need Halloween inspiration? This website shows you how to dress up like your favorite characters

Halloween is rapidly approaching, and there will soon be parties to go to and mad trick 'r treating to do. Do you have a plan for your costume? If not, Costume Wall wants to help.

Costume Wall is an online cosplay guide that tells you how to easily recreate the looks of hundreds of popular characters from movies, TV, video games and more. The website is updated continuously, so rest assured that if you want to dress as your newfound fave, it's probably going to be on there. And if your costume dreams involve an older fave, have no fear: those are on there too. They've got everything from Ellie Sattler to Leatherface to Jyn Erso to Eleven, and even have some kinda deep cuts like Monterey Jack from Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers or Gi, the marine biologist Planeteer from Captain Planet.

When you go to the site, you see a wall of tiles, each tile representing a different character or personality. When you click on the tile of your choice, it brings you to a screen that has a description of the character and a carefully curated breakdown of the costume, so you can see it piece by piece. This is a great tool if you just want inspiration to gather the stuff for your costume yourself, but if that seems intimidating, each page also provides links to where you can purchase each of the individual items in the costume online. Costume Wall is especially great if you're pressed for time and need to put together a cohesive costume idea quickly.


Will you use costume wall to come up with your costume this year? What do you plan to be for Halloween? Let us know in the comments!

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