It’s fall! Here’s how to make the most out of the season

Tis' the season to be fall-y: fall-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la… ll… 🍂🎃📱

Ah, autumn: the air gets a little bit colder, the leaves change from crisp green to vibrant yellows and oranges, and the smell of pumpkin spice lattes and Uggs waft throughout the streets.

If you're looking to truly plunge yourself head-first into fall, then you're going to need a couple of apps to really get you into the mood: here's how to make the best out of the fall season!


Looking for an event to go to this autumn in your city, but don't want to comb through dozens of obnoxious Facebook event invites or deal with annoying group texts to find the latest and greatest things to do? Then check out EventBrite!

EventBrite is a website that's essentially like your one-stop-shop for what's going on in your city: classes, festivals, fundraisers, conferences, you name it! You can either search for different events in your city — maybe there's a cool 18+ pumpkin patch you can visit! Or there could be a fall music festival celebrating folk music — or sign up and register an event of your own.

Maybe you really want to learn how to make the perfect turkey for Thanksgiving — then take a fall-flavored cooking class! Maybe because the leaves are turning color and changing, it's time for you to turn over a new leaf with a new film school course!

If you're looking to get out of the house this fall (and not just roll around in a pile of leaves) then be sure to visit EventBrite and see what's going on in and around your town.


Fall means a lot of things to a lot of different people: pumpkin pie, fresh-cooked turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, pumpkin spice lattes, warm seasonal soups, mashed potatoes, yams, fresh-baked treats like cookies and brownies (and more pumpkin pie)… See a pattern here? FOOD: and if you have fall food on the mind, it might be worth it download BigOven!

Take over 350,000 recipes, your grocery list, and menu planner anywhere. BigOven is the most complete tool to help home cooks get inspired and organized in the kitchen and on-the-go. In addition to a grocery list tool, the app also features a menu planner where you can share your menu plan via email and you'll have it printed off and up on your refrigerator in minutes. (Supermarket Guru)

The app not only gives you access to nearly half-a-million different recipes from all over the world, but it's constantly being updated with the latest and tastiest grub and goodies out there. Even if you're dealing with leftovers from a Thanksgiving dinner and are at your wit's end, don't worry: BigOven has an option where you can type in your leftover ingredients and you'll get some stellar ideas of what to do with that fridge-crowding deliciousness!

If you're really in love with the app and everything it did to turn your regular menu into an autumn-tastic feast, then you can always upgrade to the Pro Membership for $1.99 a month.

Happy cooking!

Corn Mazes America

Nothing says fall more than a good ol' fashioned corn maze — but how do you know if you're going to the best option available? How do you know you're really getting the cream (corn) of the crop? By visiting Corn Mazes America and browsing through their massive, continuously-updated corn maze directory, of course!

With the help of the site, you can narrow down your corn maze options to your state, the nearby area, or your precise site. Corn Mazes America provides you a map, directions, and access to the corn maze's website so you can get a better idea if the corn maze you picked is perfect for your fall adventures.

If you happen to have a favorite maze that isn't registered on the site, you can always submit and add a maze to the site, and if you're a corn maze owner, you can register your maze to the site, too!

(Total side note: I don't think I've ever written the word maze more in my life. You know when you write a word over and over again and it starts to not seem real? Well, yeah: maze maze maze maze maze maze maze maze).


Fall for some people means cuddling up, cozying-in, and nesting with loved ones in the midst of falling golden leaves and chilly October weather, while other people take this as the perfect time to travel!

Hitlist is a travel app with a very simple mantra: Travel more. Spend less.

Finding a reasonable deal takes far more time and effort than it should. Hitlist can help. (TIME Magazine)

Hitlist has allowed me to travel, not as some intermittent luxury, but as an essential part of my lifestyle. (Mike Wierzenski)

It challenges the convention that some places are "too far away" or "too expensive to get to". (Greg Rose)

Using the app, you can begin to receive highly-targeted travel details with convenient push notifications or emails, search and plan your trip broadly by continents, regions, islands, activities, beaches, and more, see where your friends want to go and coordinate and plan your next trip together, have access to amazing flight deals based around flexible dates and destinations, and so, so much more!

Hitlist is a perfect app to plan your ideal fall getaway, and with new features like Drag & drop, you can pick and save your dream destinations to your account — you even have cool features like the highlighted trips option that updates and changes every day to help you find your perfect autumn getaway.

Weather Kitty

Sure, fall is pretty awesome, but the weather can be incredibly tricky. It's always freezing in the morning and by the mid-afternoon it's 4,000 degrees and you're peeling off layers like a sweaty, sad onion.

While your iPhone has a weather app already built into it, and yeah, it does a good job of telling you how hot or cold it is outside, it's really nothing special, but what if you had a weather app that told you the weather and came with dozens and dozens of adorable kitties?

Two words: Weather Kitty.

Smile every time you check the weather! The cats change based on the weather and time. You can even add your own kitty! (Weather Kitty)

The next time you go to check the weather this November and are wondering if you need a big ol' jacket, a pair of rainboots and your rain slicker, or just a nice, light sweater, you'll be super jazzed to see a tiny little cat hovering under that forecast — regardless of how temperamental the weather is during this time of year.

(Oh, and did we mention that although the app is free, you can make some awesome in-app purchases with packs like Grumpy Cat, Lil Bub, Add Your Own Kitty, Fall Kitty theme, Winter Kitty, Spring Kitty, Yoga Catz, Cats & Dogs, Holiday Kitty, and Kitty Love for $1.99 a pop. Worth it? Totally).


So you have your fall meals planned, your fall activities booked, and your fall weather mapped town to a T… now you just have to decorate! And what better app to use than Etsy.

Etsy gives you full access to independent, creative people who design and market their own artwork, clothing, home decor, and so, so much more — it's like the ultimate shopping site for people who want one-of-a-kind pieces by independent artists from all over the world.

Looking for fall Thanksgiving balloons for your next party? Etsy has it. Looking for a beautiful fall-themed wreath to hang on your door? Etsy has it. Looking for a homemade pumpkin pie scneted soy canble with molases, nutmeg, and cinnamon in a buttery crust? Yeah. Etsy has that.

A fair warning: You're going to probably spend hours and hours on the app or the site once you get into the flow of things, so be prepared to find some incredible artists you've never seen before and some awesome autumn accessories that'll take your home from foul to fall!

How are you getting into the fall season?!

Is there an app or particular tech gadget that you love pulling out during fall for one reason or another?

Let us know how you get into the spirit of autumn in the comments below!

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