Instagram starts alpha testing on iOS and Android

Instagram has started it's alpha testing, but what the heck does that mean...

Instagram: either you love it, or you're super annoyed with all the selfies people are taking, but if you are someone who loves the app, then news about Insta's latest alpha texting programs on iOS and Andorid might make your heart happy.

While Instagram has actually been dolling out beta programs for a number of years already — think things like account switching, archiving photos, multi-photo posts, comment replies — that have become a key part of how we use and navigate the app, new alpha testing is coming in the next little while.

The company's newly launched Alpha program will offer a different version of the app to testers than is available to Beta testers, however, so users may get to test features that never even make it to the next step up, much less the wider public. (TechCrunch)

So we have to ask: would you be an alpha tester for the 'gram if you're on Android or iOS? If the answer is yes, there's a way to get involved thanks to the people over at Android Police...

  1. Click this link
  2. Enter your email & join the group
  3. Join the Instagram Testing Program by clicking Become a Tester.
  4. Profit.

This information comes courtesy of a post on reddit's r/Android subreddit by an Instagram employee who was looking for participants in this alpha program. A mod verified that the poster does indeed work for Instagram. The post has since been deleted, likely because Instagram now has a sufficient amount of testers. However, the Google Groups link still works, meaning that you can still enroll if you'd like.

What do you think?

If you do end up deciding to sign up for Instagram testing, feel free to Tweet me @hellorousseau to let me know any cool features you're able to play with!

If not, why not? Not a big fan of Instagram? Let us know in the comments below!

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