Surface Headphones will work great with iPhone and iPad

Best answer: Don't be put off by the Surface in the name, these headphones will work just fine with an iPhone or an iPad when they're released in November.

Microsoft: Surface Headphones (Order from November 15) ($350)

Surface Headphones are Bluetooth

The Surface Headphones are really fancy but when it comes down to it, the wireless connection that helps you listen to your music is plain old Bluetooth.

That means beyond just an iPhone or iPad, the Surface Headphones can connect to any other mobile device or computer with Bluetooth that you want to listen to music from.

Cortana is built into the headphones

Normally, when you hear about a voice assistant like Cortana being available, your brain might go to ideas about only using Microsoft devices. You're probably used to seeing assistants like Cortana on your phone, tablet, or PC, but in this case, Cortana is built right into the headphones. It cuts out an extra middleman when trying to connect them with any device, so there's no need to use Cortana on your iPhone or iPad to make use of these headphones.

The Surface Headphones will still rely on the connection to your iPhone or iPad to complete certain actions. How much you can do will depend on the market you're in, but Cortana will live inside the headphones no matter what device you're using them with.

You can also use Cortana on an iPhone or iPad

If using Cortana on the Surface Headphones has you interested in making the most of Microsoft's assistant, there is an application available through the App Store for the iPhone and iPad.

You're unable to set Cortana as your default assistant on iOS as you can on Android, but otherwise, you have access to everything you want from Cortana in your pocket as well as in your ears.

Our pick

Surface Headphones

$350 from Microsoft

Pricey and attractive for any device

Microsoft put its Surface design and build quality into a pair of headphones, tossed in Cortana and ANC and made something your ears will love.

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