Things 3.8 finally brings Dark Mode to iOS versions

Today's update for Things on iOS finally brings the much-anticipated Dark Mode!

We're big fans of the task management app Things here at iMore. Our own Lory Gil wrote about what she loves about Things 3, and the app has received a lot of improvements since that was originally written. I even came up with a how to guide on getting started with Things. It's just a great app for keeping track of your daily tasks, and it has a fantastic and intuitive design that's a pleasure to use.

Today's update is a big one. With Things 3.8, Cultured Code has finally added Dark Mode to the iOS version of Things. Dark Mode has been available on the Mac version since Mojave came out, but the iPhone and iPad versions were left with the bright white background, which some of us don't prefer anymore since going to Dark Mode.

Now, Things comes in three themes: Light, Dark, and Black. The Dark is more of a dark gray that has good contrast to make it easy to see your organized items. Black is for those with OLED screens (iPhone X, XS, and XS Max), and it is a true pitch-black that blends seamlessly with the front glass. Honestly, if you have an OLED device, that Black mode is definitely worth keeping on forever.

While you can change the theme manually, Things provides a toggle to switch between Light and either Dark or Black automatically when your display brightness drops below a certain threshold.

In order to change themes and settings, you'll need to scroll down to the bottom of your Things to find Settings. Then tap on Appearance , and choose the theme you want to use. When toggling Switch Automatically, you may adjust the brightness threshold with the slider.

I've been using Things on Mac in Dark Mode since installing Mojave, and I'm glad to see that the iOS version finally has the same treatment. That Black looks absolutely gorgeous on my iPhone XS.

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