Currencies 2.0 arrives with a new look, faster conversions, and Apple Watch support

Edovia has released Currencies 2.0, its app for quick currency conversion, rethinking the app and rebuilding it from scratch.

Currencies 2 is the latest offering from Edovia, the developer popular VNC solution Screens for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Currencies 2 offers a completely rethought interface over the previous version, and conversions are now easier to do and faster than ever. The app has also added support for the Apple Watch.

You can find all available currencies in one place. Once you set your source currency and enter the amount, you can quickly scroll through the app's massive list to see all of the proper conversions. You can also set favorite or often-used currency at the top for a quick access.

Currencies 2 also has an intelligent converter, and can recognize numbers when you paste text that contains a numeric value. The app is location-aware, and will set your local currency as the source when you travel to different countries. You can use the Notification Center widget to make quick conversions.

Currencies 2 is available now from the App Store.

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