Accounted 4 brings Yosemite support to improve the way you do personal financing

Accounted 4 has landed, eight years after the accounting suite launched. The latest release includes notable improvements to change the way you do personal finance on your Mac.

So, what's new? That's both a good question and one that is difficult to answer. The issue is where to begin. Version 4.0 is a massive overhaul, packing in new fiscal features and the switch to Apple's Cocoa framework. This means you're looking at improved speeds when loading in accounts to manage, as well as enjoying both transactions and balances being calculated instantly.

Launching the new app will provide you with a snapshot of all the activity through the past 30 days. Top income and expense accounts are featured, as well as notable changes to your band accounts. Throw in a new interface built for Yosemite with full Retina support and it quickly becomes quite the upgrade for those who continue using the app but feel it dating slightly.

Another change, as touched on above, is the switch to the Cocoa framework on Mac, which brings with it many advantages of the previous versions of Accounted, including cleaner interfaces and controls, full screen mode, spellcheck integration with OS X and compatibility with various Mac OS services.

But we've only just covered the tip of the iceberg. There's more included in the update, which you can check out on the Oranged Software website.

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