Marvel Mighty Heroes takes on Hydra in the latest Age of Ultron episode

Hydra is ratcheting up its efforts to exploit Ultron in the latest Marvel Mighty Heroes event.

Marvel fans that have been playing along with Marvel Mighty Heroes have some new content to look forward to the next time they boot the game up. The co-op brawler has just started up its second Age of Ultron themed episode, set to run through June 24.

Here's what players can look forward to in the second Age of Ultron episode:

In the second episode, Hydra has delivered the genocidal artificial intelligence Ultron to their scientific arm, A.I.M., for study. Players are tasked with stealing the artifact from A.I.M. and stop the villainous M.O.D.O.K. before he figures out a way to wreak havoc with his new toy! The latest episode also introduces new heroes and villains including Moon Knight, Taskmaster, and Black Widow.

If you're unfamiliar with Marvel Mighty Heroes, it is a co-op brawling game from mobile developer DeNa based in the Marvel universe. Players are able to build up a team of their favorite Marvel heroes to take on the forces of evil — those forces being Hydra and Ultron in this latest episode.

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