OneNote updates for the iPhone and iPad improve lists, add equations viewing and more

Microsoft updates the iPhone and iPad versions of its OneNote app with some nice new features.

If you are a fan of Microsoft's OneNote note taking and saving app, you might enjoy some of the new features it is adding to the iPhone and iPad versions. For the iPhone, the OneNote app has some improvements for creating and editing lists. Microsoft says:

We received feedback that lists worked best with a keyboard, mouse and screens even the largest of cargo shorts couldn't accommodate. Accordingly, checkboxes for ants have been replaced with checkboxes designed for humans. Quickly create a list from anywhere in the app by tapping the + button and selecting List. You can add new items by tapping Add Item or tapping return after you create or edit an item. In the event you no longer need a list item, simply swipe left to erase it from your view. Now, checking an item moves it to the Completed section of the list. You can also show or hide completed items anytime. Tap Edit to rearrange, indent, or select multiple to-dos.

Both the iPhone and iPad versions can now view mathematical equations and iPad users can edit them as well. The iPad OneNote app also now allows users to add either ruled or grid lines to their page.

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