Dropbox launches Paper collaboration tool to take on Google Docs

Dropbox has announced Paper, its new collaboration tool. Web-only for the moment, Paper offers a single, shared space to work on documents, much like Google Docs or Quip.

Paper begins with a minimal text editor, with formatting controls hidden in order to get people to focus on writing. You can make different types of documents as well, from reports, to sales pitches, to to-do lists. You can also @-mention other users inside a document and assign them tasks. To keep track of your document, you can take a look at its step-by-step version history.

Beyond standard text, however, there's a lot you can add. Drag and drop photos into your work, or add videos with YouTube links. Adding a snippet of code to your document will result in it being automatically formatted as code. You can also paste links to files that you have stored in Dropbox.

Paper is currently in beta, and is expanding to more teams. While it's web-only for now, Dropbox hinted that they are working on apps for mobile devices. For those interested in trying it out, you can sign up at the link below to join the waitlist.

Source: Dropbox Paper, Wired

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